Shocking: Innovation Has a Spiritual Component

In my TEDxNASA speech I sought to ‘get back to the very basics’ of innovation — personal creativity. That was November 09 and since then I’ve heard many times that what struck many watching the video was the statement I made that “creativity is the spring, innovation is bottled water.” Not being the kind of person who ever wishes to preach, I must admit that I held back from saying something even more direct. Something which I strongly believe, and that is, innovation has a spiritual component.

Okay, now, I’m not talking a religious component, or even an ethical component, although religion and ethics can be inspirational places to come from. What I’m talking about is creativity and it’s connection to the soul.  I say soul because to me that’s the best english word to connote that which is most…divine about ourselves. Creation, of the best kind, reaches down into the depths of who we are as human beings. I don’t care if we’re talking about creating amazing art, or creating tasty breakfast cereal, there is a direct connection between the human spirit, the act of creation, and the final product. They are all links in the same chain. If you are not a believer in God, call it the deepest aspect of the self and you’re pretty close to what I’m trying to mean by using the word soul.

This might be the “deepest” blog post I’ve written. Generally, I try to avoid talking about spirituality. There are reasons for this. First of all, my early years were filled with thousands of hours of church, rituals, and prayers on bended knee. I practiced a religion in a way that few do, and I can say sincerely it was not just rote, it touched every aspect of me.  Who I am today, for better or worse, has a lot to do with that early mega-dose of religion — and spirituality. I once fancied, gave serious thought to, becoming a priest. Frankly, it was an over-dose of religion and I won’t get into the detail, but suffice to say I became disillusioned. As I drifted away from organized practice I developed a reluctance to talk about matters spiritual — even if in my heart and actions I make best efforts to preserve a spiritual flame. My thinking is many of those who talk about spirituality are often missing the vital factor of Being Spiritual. So, my own effort is focused more on the being and less on the saying. It will be interesting to see what the response to this post is…since I’m coming out of the spiritual closet. Creativity is to some a kind of religion. Still, even the most airy-fairy of creativity/innovation consultants are leery of talking about any aspect of spirituality. This is not how you win a competitive bid. There is fear of being labeled as “not serious business.”

Well, to hell with serious business, the label.  Anybody who knows me and my work, knows I’m as serious about results as Donald Trump. Alright, bad example. Serious as Steve Jobs, better example. I’m coming out of the closet because I strongly believe that Innovation is the fruit of personal and collective creativity. The most profound creative thinking, coming from that deep place I’m calling soul, can transform into powerful, functional, and breakthrough innovation. Creativity that is merely clever, or comes from a place of cynicism or manipulation, in my view is bound to fail, particularly in the long run. The best products and services, somehow, resonate with the human heart and mind. That’s what makes them appealing and useful. That doesn’t happen if the energy of the product or service is negative or not in harmony with who we are as human beings. No apologies for this kumbyah moment.

Alright, now I’ve done it. Apologies to those serious business types that who read my blogs for the latest tools and techniques on innovation. Spirituality is not the only component to creativity and innovation. Still, guys (and gals), somewhere in your hearts (and souls) I think you know I’m right about this — it’s shocking news, but innovation has a spiritual component. For those looking for a tool, I’ll repeat advice from my TEDx talk: find what’s closest to your heart, do that examination of yourself, figure out what that is. When you find what you really care about, let passion, love, joy, self-expression, intelligence, and — your soul — direct your creativity. From that spring you’ll invent the kind of bottled water we’re all looking for. And, it will be a good thing.



    6 responses to “Shocking: Innovation Has a Spiritual Component”

    1. Rick Gray says:

      I for one would rather read about the spiritual connection to creativity and innovation than about mere tools. Thanks Monsignor Fraley.

      • GREGG FRALEY says:

        I served mass for a real Monsignor, complete with the special “Biretta” hat. He was one of the most pompous, arrogant asses I ever met in my life. Sorry, not so spiritual in that comment! Thanks for your observation Rick.

    2. This is a very good blog, I too belive the soul hold’s the key’s to all that empower us as humans. I have a firm belief in god, But the word’s of god Does get twisted to serve the need’s of men. Like you I was raised for the soul purpose of going to church. I fell away from my religion for many year’s but have scince gone back. The time inactive helped to learn it’s what is in our heart’s and souls that make us who we are Meddeition, learning being thoughtfull,to everyboby’s need’s. These thing’s help me to clear my mind Which in turn allows creativity to enter. Gregg I do enjoy your quotes and blogs. I am a damn good tradesman However my typing ,English and grammer skill’s are not so good. But now retired perhaps I can remedy this! And Thank you. Steven C Coon

      • GREGG FRALEY says:

        Thanks for your comment Steven. I like your idea of clearing the mind by being thoughtful to others. I’m curious, what is your trade Steven?

    3. gregorylent says:

      innovation is only spiritual .. it comes automatically from access to higher states of consciousness … and that is synonymous with subtler awareness, quieter mind … everything is already in existence, just waiting to be revealed through awareness

    4. matt says:

      When Moses speaks with God at the burning bush Moses asks his name. Gad replies “I AM”. The Biblical character of God reveals an important true aspect of the divine – the moment right before creation. I am is that verb…I am a cat, a dog, an idea, a breakthrough etc.

      God is intimately connected with creation in Genesis. Creativity – making something from nothing and making the something into a base for new things is what God does in Genesis.

      Creativity is divine. It is at the heart of spirituality because it connects us deeply to our purposes.

Posted in Creative Problem Solving (CPS), Creativity and Self-Expression, Innovation, Inspirational