Michalko's "Creative Thinkering" a Gem

It’s a mixed blessing to be a sometime book reviewer.  The good news is people send me books, and I love books. The bad news is I have a stack of books that would make a good start on a new wing at the Tower of London, it’s overwhelming. There are some duds in that stack, but I soldier on.

Pardon the windy introduction, but I’ve found a real jewel recently. Let me make a direct statement here: Michael Michalko’s new book Creative Thinkering — is a real gem. Just finished reading my advance copy in one go on a flight across the pond — and it was a mind-bendingly delightful and informative read  — Chicago to London has never gone so quickly.

Thought provoking and interactive, Creative Thinkering, really gets you…thinking…in a fresh way about the meaning and “how to” of invention and breakthrough problem solving. It’s packed with information about the nature of creativity. It flows logically, it has lots of juicy real life stories and examples, and it’s absolutely loaded with germane and fun visuals. I’d add that it’s also emotionally engaging and it has you realising that, yes, I can be more creative. His “thinkering” exercises have you proving it to yourself, it’s really creative empowerment.

This book deserves a wide readership — creative thinking could use a breakthrough book. It’s one of the weird things about the field, that is, the people mostly likely to read a creativity book are those that don’t need it. Creative Thinkering bridges the perception gap and opens up creative vistas — even for those who don’t believe they have the creative gene. Creative Thinkering de-mystifies the mythology that surrounds creativity, although if anything I finish the book even more awestruck about the power of imagination. Michalko elaborates extensively on the concept of “conceptual blending” which, in essence, is a mash-up in someone’s mind of unrelated concepts that has them coming up with fresh, breakthrough ideas. This is a thinking capacity we all have, but one that few of us tap into.  This conceptual blending is not an entirely new idea, but it’s never been so well explained. In summary, I’d say that Creative Thinkering provides greater access to creativity — served up in this gleaming silver platter of a book.

Creative Thinkering is to be released in September. Order a copy now and give yourself the gift of imagination in the fall.

    2 responses to “Michalko's "Creative Thinkering" a Gem”

    1. Anne Manning says:

      Gregg: You make me want to read this book NOW. I have to wait until September? Bummer. Great review!

    2. Lee Dunne says:

      My dear Greg: You live beyond my expectations all the time. Thanks for your blog and reviews. And to hell with expectations – they are useless.
      Expect nothing and joy arrives. Love, Lee

Posted in Books & Reviews, Creative Problem Solving (CPS), Creativity and Self-Expression, Innovation, Inspirational